Legal Handbook

Nature Governance Agency is proud to officially launch its NG Repository! This handbook was curated to introduce a comprehensive approach on Nature governance and the diverse pathways to approach this ecocentric way of thinking, planning, and doing in business. With established research and a case study to promote this innovative thinking, we examine why now is the right time to act on the right side of history and think with Nature at the forefront.  

Please bear in mind that the templates are not for commercial use and are not legal advice.

For legal support, please reach out to the ELC Nature Governance Agency.

Whats Inside?

Nature Director Commitment Level to Implementation Matrix (CLIM) 

This matrix provides guidance on the structural changes and constitutional amendments required for implementation, corresponding to your preferred level of commitment to a Nature-positive system of governance.

Nature Director Nomination Policy

This template can be used to formalise the integration of Nature on your board by nominating a proxy for Nature (as) Director within your organization.

Nature Director Document Tracker 

This template can be used to help you strategize and track your progress regarding the changes and amendments necessary to bring Nature on your board.

Nature Director Document Changes 

This template provides an overview of the elements and steps that may be required/needed/desired to include Nature (as) Director in your organisation (with some examples to get you started).